
Posted by Shen Chaoran on July 28, 2018



类别 列表 何时需要 描述
配置输入 ini_infile_
站点输入 soita_sand_
气象数据 cld_mon_
每次 月步长
月异常输入 temp_danom_
日均值输入 prec_fanom_
参数 params_can_
年输出 out_yearly_aet_

月输出 out_monthly_aet_
日输出 out_daily_rain_
诊断输出 out_diag_0





其他输出 out_global_



  • make ibis
  • make clean


  • F77_OPTIONS:编译器,f77, gfortron, ifort…
  • INCLUDE_DIRS:头文件目录
  • LD_OPTIONS_NETCDF:lib目录,使用的 libnetcdff 是动态链接库(so)



标准全球模式需要13个输入文件,这些文件并不是原生的 netcdf 格式。我们准备了一份数据,如果你同意在应用时添加引用,联系我们获取这些数据。



我们用的原始数据分辨率是 0.5*0.5. 我们将其重采样为 1.0, 2,0 和 4.0 的。你可以创建你自己的空间分辨率文件。



Name Filename Description Units Source Type
cld cld.mon.nc monthly mean cloudiness % CRU Met
deltat deltat.mon.nc minimum temp ever recorded at that location minus avg temp of coldest month C Oregon Met
prec prec.mon.nc monthly mean precipitation rate mm/day CRU Met
rh rh.mon.nc monthly mean relative humidity % CRU Met
temp temp.mon.nc monthly mean temperature C CRU Met
trange trange.mon.nc monthly mean temperature range C CRU Met
wetd wetd.mon.nc mean “wet” days per month days CRU Met
wspd wspd.mon.nc monthly mean wind speed at sig=0.995 m/s CRU Met
sand soita.sand.nc percentage of sand % IGBP/CONUS Site
clay soita.clay.nc percentage of clay % IGBP/CONUS Site
vegtype vegtype.nc initial vegetation types indexd SAGE Site
surta surta.nc land mask 1=land,0=ocean adapted from ETOPO5 Site
topo topo.nc topography m ETOPO5 Site





ETOP05:surta 和 topo




我们提供了一些没有实际意义的测试数据,空间分布率为 10*10,用来测试编译结果。




  1. 创建输入输出文件路径
  2. 将输入文件放在输入路径下。输入数据由 ies-io.f 读取
  3. 编辑 compar.h 文件,里面设定了输入数据的元信息。这一部分待封装
    • nlon:
    • nlat:
    • npoi:
    • xres:
    • yres:
  4. 编辑 ibis.infile。配置运行参数。
    • irestart:0(new run);1(restart)
    • iyear0:模拟的第一年年份。重启时不能改变。
    • nrun:模拟总年数。重启时必须变成剩余的年数。比如,初始的模拟总年数是100,在第80年重启了,那么需要将该值设为21。
    • nanom:开始读取月异常的第一年年份。如果不想读取异常数据,将此值设置成非常大(大于 iyear0 + nrun - 1)。
    • ndprecy:开始读取日均值的第一年年份。如果不想读取日均值,将此值设置成非常大(大于 iyear0 + nrun -1)。
    • soilcspin:1(开启土地 spinup 加速);0(不开启)
    • iyearout:1(输出年数据);0(不输出)
    • imonthout:1(输出月数据);0(不输出)
    • idailyout:1(输出日数据);0(不输出)
    • isimveg:0(静态植被);1(动态植被);2(从0开始的动态植被,即初始没有植被)。注意,该值为0或1时需要输入 vegtype.nc。
    • isimfire:0(固定着火状态);1(动态着火状态)。推荐值0.
    • isimco2:0(固定co2浓度);1(根据多项式算出来的co2浓度)
    • co2init:初始co2浓度(mol/mol)
    • o2init:初始o2浓度(mol/mol)
    • dtime:模拟的时间步长(秒)。必须是 86400(24小时)的偶除数
    • idiag:0(不输出诊断);1-10(输出诊断数据,并设置诊断文件的数量)
    • snorth:子区域北天门
    • ssouth:子区域南天门
    • swest:子区域西天门
    • seast:子区域东天门
  5. 编辑 diag.infile,用于每隔一定的时间步长打印选择的变量。
  6. 运行 ibis,在命令行中输入 ibis 就行了
  7. 重启运行时不需要重新编译,第3条涉及的项目改变时需要重新编译。




NetCDF 文件的读写

两个矢量:istart, icount

在 Fortran 中,多维数组中第一维的读写最快,与在C语言中相反。

如果使用 ncdump(c编写的读写库) 读一个 NetCDF 文件,其中 mydata 变量含有4维:(long, lat, level, time)。变量…

NetCDF 的读写通过两个矢量实现:istart, icount。istart表示沿着每一维度读写的起始点:(startIndexLong, startIndexLat, startIndexLevel, startIndexTime),icount表示每一维数据读取多少:(countLong, countLat,countLevel, countTime)

  1. 读取整个区域的一个时间步长(6th)的一个变量(2nd):istart = (1, 1, 2, 6); icount = (nlons, nlats, 1, 1);
  2. 读取整个区域的的第6个时间步长的9个变量:istart = (1, 1, 1, 6); icount = (nlons, nlats, 9, 1);
  3. 三维变量中单独一点的所有时间步长内的值:istart(ilon, ilat,1); icount = (ilon, ilat, 100)。如果istart 和icount 被声明为4维,而它用来指向一个3维变量时,第4维将被忽略。
  4. 网格的子区域中,12个时间步长的一个变量指标:istart = (ilon, ilat, 18, itime); icount = (20, 15, 1, 12)


在 ies-io.f 文件的子程序 readvar 中。 call readvar(filen,varname,name3d,istart,icount,values, alons,alats,vals3d,times,ierror)


  • filen:文件名
  • varname:要读的变量名
  • name3d:第3维非时间维变量名,如果varname变量是3维的就忽略此值。
  • istart
  • icount


  • values:
  • alons:
  • alats:
  • vals3d:
  • times:
  • ierror:



Compile IBIS by typing ‘make ibis’ in the directory which contains the ibis FORTRAN code. However, before doing so, you may need to edit makefile so that the F77_OPTIONS, INCLUDE_DIRS, and LD_OPTIONS_NETCDF match those on your computer. The executable will be named ‘ibisnetcdf’. You may move the executable to the directory in which your input/output directories exist. If so, be sure to move ibis.infile and diag.infile there too.

IBIS was written and tested on SGI workstations. We have also successfully run IBIS on a Sun, and on a PC running RedHat Linux. To our knowledge, only two portions of the code may not be consistent with your platform. The first is the function ‘date’. The MipsPro compiler on our SGI’s returns an 8-character string containing the date. Some Sun compilers return a 9-character string. Space is reserved for up to 10 characters (look for the variable cdate in io.f). If your computer’s FORTRAN compiler does not have an intrinsic function for date, has a function of a different name, or returns something other than 10 or fewer characters, you’ll have to edit io.f accordingly. Look in wrestart, wdaily, wmonthly, and wyearly for places where you may need to change the code. If nothing is available for you to use, you may eliminate the reference to the function ‘date’ and the variable cdate. It is only used to create a history attribute in the output files.

The second portion of code which may not consistent with your platform is the command ‘flush’ in stats.f. This command is used to update the output in the files ‘ibis.out.global’ and ‘ibis.out.vegtype’. This prevents your computer from buffering output for these files. If you do not have a version of flush in your compiler, you may comment out those lines of code. You may not be able to read output for a particular year in ibis.out.global or ibis.out.vegtype until the program has completed a few extra years.



Thirteen input files are required to run IBIS in the standard global mode. These files are not readily available in netcdf format. We have them available for redistribution if you agree to properly reference the original author. Contact us for access to these input files.


NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado. The freely available source can be obtained as a compressed tar file or a zip file from Unidata or from other mirror sites. http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf Version 3.3 or better is needed.


The raw data we use for the global model is at a resolution of 0.5�x 0.5�. We have repackaged it to 1.0�, 2.0� and 4.0� resolutions. You can create your own input data at any resolution. Some IBIS users have created input data at one-meter resolution to describe a crop field.


8 met files and 5 site files | Name | Filename | Description | Units | Source | Type | | —- | ——– | ———– | —– | —— |-| | cld | cld.mon.nc | monthly mean cloudiness | % | CRU | Met | | deltat | deltat.mon.nc | minimum temp ever recorded at that location minus avg temp of coldest month | C | Oregon | Met | | prec | prec.mon.nc | monthly mean precipitation rate | mm/day | CRU | Met | | rh | rh.mon.nc | monthly mean relative humidity | % | CRU | Met | | temp | temp.mon.nc | monthly mean temperature | C | CRU | Met | | trange | trange.mon.nc | monthly mean temperature range | C | CRU | Met | | wetd | wetd.mon.nc | mean “wet” days per month | days | CRU | Met | | wspd | wspd.mon.nc | monthly mean wind speed at sig=0.995 | m/s | CRU | Met | | sand | soita.sand.nc | percentage of sand | % | IGBP/CONUS | Site | | clay | soita.clay.nc | percentage of clay | % | IGBP/CONUS | Site | | vegtype | vegtype.nc | initial vegetation types | indexd | SAGE | Site | | surta | surta.nc | land mask | 1=land,0=ocean | adapted from ETOPO5 | Site | | topo | topo.nc | topography | m | ETOPO5 | Site |


|-|-| |-|-| |Institute:| Climate Research Unit - East Anglia, UK| |Website:| http://ipcc-ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru_data/examine/cru_climate.html| |Contact:| David Viner d.viner@uea.ac.uk| |Temporal:| 1961-1990 mean climatology| |Spatial:| 0.5 degree | |Reference:| New M., Hulme, M and Jones, P.D, 1999: Representating twentieth century space-time climate variability. Part 1: development of a 1961-9 mean monthly terrestrial climatology. J. Climate, 12, 829-856| |SAGE Comment: | Anomaly files also available for 1901-1996 (anomaly = individual year monthly value minus climatology monthly value) http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/link SAGE cleaned, flipped and netcdf, reformated anomaly files.|

OREGON - deltaT - absolute min temp minus avg of coldest mon mean temp

|-|-| |-|-| |Institute:| Dept. Geography, Univ. Oregon, Eugene OR| |Contact:| Pat Bartlein bartlein@oregon.uoregon.edu| |Source:| The data sources were on the World Weather Disc CD: Globe: Worldwide Airfield Summaries (NCDC TD-9647), variable lengths of record (really variable) US: Climatology of the U.S. No. 2(1951-80)| |Temporal: | | |Spatial: | 0.5 degree| |Reference: | Unpublished personal communication| |SAGE Comment:| |


|-|-| |-|-| | Institute: | Global Soil Data Task of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Data and Information System (IGBP-DIS) Potsdam, Germany. | | Website: |http://www.daac.ornl.gov/SOILS/igbp.html| | Contact: |webmaster@www.daac.ornl.gov | | Temporal: || | Spatial: | 5 min| | Reference: | Global Soil Data Task. 2000. Global Soil Data Products CD-ROM (IGBP-DIS). International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - Data and Information Services. Available on-line [http://www.daac.ornl.gov ] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. | | SAGE Comment:| Sage has reformatted this data to soita.clay and soita.sand for use in IBIS.|


|-|-| |-|-| |Institute:| Penn. State. Univ.| |Website:| http://www.essc.psu.edu/soil_info/index.cgi?soil_data&conus | |Contact:| – | |Temporal:| –| |Spatial:| 30 arc-seconds | |Reference:| Miller, D.A. and R.A. White, 1998: A Conterminous United States Multi-Layer Soil Characteristics Data Set for Regional Climate and Hydrology Modeling. Earth Interactions, 2. [Available on-line at http://EarthInteractions.org]| |SAGE Comment:| Should be used when running over the US.|


|-|-| |-|-| |Institute: | NOAA/NGDC| |Website: | http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/global.html| |Contact: | Peter.W.Sloss@noaa.gov| |Temporal: | –| |Spatial: | 5 min (reprocessed to 0.5)| |Reference: | Various contributors| |SAGE Comment:| |


|-|-| |-|-| |Institute:| SAGE/UW-MADISON| |Website:| http://sage.sage.wisc.edu| |Contact:| Navin Ramankutty nramanku@facstaff.wisc.edu| |Temporal:| | |Spatial:| 5 min| |Reference:| Ramankutty, N., and J.A. Foley (1999). Estimating historical changes in global land cover: croplands from 1700 to 1992. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13(4), 997-1027.| |SAGE Comment: |Initial Vegetation typel as needed by IBIS.|


Arcview, R, PyClimate all can be used to create your own datasets.


We provide some nonsense test files at 10x10 degree resolution that you may use in order to test whether your compilation of ibis works or not. Please do-wnload input10-nc.tar.gz and ungzip and untar it.

You’ll have the 13 files you need to run ibis (make sure your value for nanom in ibis.infile or ibismac.infile is large). Place the files in the subdirectory ‘input’. Don’t expect to have meaningful results from using this data as ibis input - they are just some numbers we made up. You should not, however, crash the program, core dump, or get NaN’s (not-a-number) or Inf’s (infinity) using this input.

You may also use the test files as templates to guide you in creating your own input data. Due to the proprietary nature of some of the climate data we have, we cannot freely distribute all of our input files. This test data, however, can be freely modified or given away to anyone.


We are able to provide real data at resolutions of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0. Contact us to download the 13 input files.

Good Luck!


  1. Set up proper input/output directories in the location from which you will run IBIS:
      mkdir output
      mkdir output/yearly output/monthly output/daily
      mkdir input
      mkdir input/anom
      mkdir restart
  2. Place your input files in input (and input/anom if you have monthly anomalies). Input files are expected to be in netcdf format and be readable by subroutine readvar (ies-io.f). Files should have the dimensions of longitude, latitude, an optional 3rd dimension (‘level’, usually), and time. See subroutines readit, rdanom, rdday, and inird for details. Subroutine inird is special in that it reads an integer year from the units attribute of the time dimension. Time units for input, therefore are required to be in the form ‘days since yyyy-12-31’. Optionally, you may have a clock time after the yyyy-mm-dd portion. Since the yyyy portion of the string is converted to integer with a formatted read statement, it is essential that yyyy sits in the 12th through 15th place in the units string. Also, it is expected that the monthly anomalies begin in January of the year after yyyy (one day since yyyy-12-31) as stored in time’s units attribute in all monthly anomaly files, and daily fields begin on January 1st of the year after yyyy as stored in time’s units attribute in all daily anomaly files.

    subroutine readit: | input file name | when used | variable name | 3rd dimension | | ——————- | ————- | ————- | ————- | | input/surta.nc | always | surta | layer | | input/topo.nc | always | topo | level | | input/vegtype.nc | isimveg <= 1 | vegtype | level | | input/soita.sand.nc | always | sandpct | layer | | input/soita.clay.nc | always | claypct | layer | | input/deltat.nc | always | deltat | level | | input/wetd.mon.nc | always | wetd | level | | input/temp.mon.nc | always | temp | level | | input/trange.mon.nc | always | trange | level | | input/prec.mon.nc | always | prec | level | | input/wspd.mon.nc | always | wspd | level | | input/cld.mon.nc | always | cld | level | | input/rh.mon.nc | always | rh | level |

    subroutine rdanom: | input file name | when used | variable name | 3rd dimension | | ————————– | —————– | ————- | ————- | | input/anom/temp.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | temp | level | | input/anom/trange.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | trange | level | | input/anom/prec.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | prec | level | | input/anom/cld.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | cld | level | | input/anom/rhum.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | rhum | level | | input/anom/wspd.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | wspd | level | | input/anom/wetd.danom.nc | monthly anomalies | wetd | level |

    subroutine rdday: | input file name | when used | variable name | 3rd dimension | | ——————— | ————- | ————- | ————- | | input/prec.daily.nc | daily means | prec | level | | input/temp.daily.nc | daily means | temp | level | | input/trange.daily.nc | daily means | trange | level | | input/cld.daily.nc | daily means | cld | level | | input/wspd.daily.nc | daily means | wspd | level | | input/sphum.daily.nc | daily means | sphum | level |

    subroutine inird: | input file name | when used | variable name | 3rd dimension | | ———————- | —————– | ————- | ————- | | input/prec.daily.nc | daily means | prec | not used | | input/anom/temp.mon.nc | monthly anomalies | temp | not used |

  3. Edit compar.h so that the following parameters are valid for your particular input data:
    • nlon - integer number of grid cells in the east-west direction.
    • nlat - integer number of grid cells in the north-south direction.
    • npoi - integer number of land grid cells in the lat/lon box over which you will be running IBIS(see ibis.infile explanation of snorth, etc.).
    • xres - real number of degrees longitude separating the first and second grid points in the east-west direction.
    • yres - real number of degrees latitude separating the first and second grid points in the north-south direction.
  4. Edit ibis.infile so that the following input values are to your liking (note: input values must be in the exact order mentioned below). Unless specifically mentioned, do not change any of the values if you restart the model.
    • irestart - enter 0 if this is a new run, 1 if it is a continuation of a previous run.
    • iyear0 - enter the calendar year for the very first run of the simulation. Do not change the values of this year if you are restarting the run (irestart = 1).
    • nrun - the number of years you wish to run the model. You should change this value if you are restarting the model. For example, if you initially wanted to run the model for 100 years, but had to restart during year 80, change nrun form 100 (initial value) to 21 (number of years left to complete).
    • nanom - number of the year for which to start reading monthly anomalies. Set this value to something very large if you don’t want to read in anomalies during the simulation (greater than iyear0+nrun-1). If you will be reading in monthly anomalies, set this to the first anomaly year. For example, if iyear0 = 1950 and you wish to start reading monthly anomalies in 1965, then set nanom equal to 1965.
    • ndprecy - number of the year for which to start reading daily means. Set this value to something very large if you don’t want to read in daily means during the simulation (greater than iyear0+nrun-1). If you will be reading in daily means, set this to the first year in which you want to use daily means. For example, if iyear0 = 1950 and you wish to start reading daily fields in 1965, then set ndprecy equal to 1965.
    • soilcspin - enter 1 if you want to use the accelerated soil spinup, 0 if you don’t.
    • iyearout - enter 1 if you want yearly output, 0 if not.
    • imonthout - enter 1 if you want monthly output, 0 if not.
    • idailyout - enter 1 if you want daily output, 0 if not.
    • isimveg - enter 0 for static vegetation (vegetation will not grow or die), 1 for dynamic vegetation, or 2 for dynamic vegetation starting from a cold start (no vegetation to start out with, just ‘seeds’). Note that for isimveg equal to 0 or 1, you must have the file input/vegtype.nc to provide initial conditions for vegetation distribution.
    • isimfire - enter 0 for fixed fire conditions, 1 for dynamic fire. We are not satisfied with the fire scheme, so we recommend that you don’t use dynamic fire.
    • isimco2 - enter 0 for fixed co2 concentrations (value in co2init), or 1 for ramped co2 concentrations. If you choose 1, the co2 concentration will change each year according to the polynomial equation found in subroutine co2 (physiology.f), which approximates the change in co2 from pre-industrial times to present (this currently commented out, so you’ll need to remove the c’s).
    • co2init - initial value for co2 concentration (mol/mol) to be used in the simulation.
    • o2init - initial value for o2 concentration (mol/mol) to be used in the simulation.
    • dtime - time step (seconds) to use for the simulation, must be an even divisor of 86400 (24 hours).
    • idiag - enter 0 for no diagnostic output, 1 through 10 for number of diagnostic files (see diag.infile explanation for details).
    • snorth - latitude of northern edge of a subset box over which you wish to run IBIS. A subset is considered to be any rectangular (in lat/lon) region that is less than the full lat/lon grid contained in your input files. The value of snorth will be used to calculate the index of the gridcell which contains this value. If the lat/lon boundaries of the subset box that you indicate contains fractions of gridboxes, the entire gridboxes are used. Subsetting ONLY works for rectangular grids - grids in which latitude is constant for all grid cells in each row and longitude is constant for all grid cells in each column.
    • ssouth - latitude of southern edge of a subset box over which you wish to run IBIS (see snorth).
    • swest - longitude of western edge of a subset box over which you wish to run IBIS (see snorth).
    • seast - longitude of eastern edge of a subset box over which you wish to run IBIS (see snorth).
  5. If you wish, edit diag.infile. Diag.infile is used to print out selected variables for every nth time step. For example, if you wish to know how the temperature of the top soil layer changes for every other time step in 5 separate grid cells, you would first of all enter 5 for idiag in ibis.infile (each file represents a single grid cell).

    Then select five locations and enter the latitude and longitude for each grid cell center in diag.infile’s spaces for diaglat0 and diaglon0, diaglat1 and diaglon1, diaglat2 and diaglon2, diaglat3 and diaglon3, and diaglat4 and diaglon4.

    Then enter the beginning and end years for the desired time span in diag.infile’s spaces for diagstart# and diagend# (where # means 0 through 4 in this example).

    Also enter the frequency for writing the diagnostic output in the space for nfreq# in ibis.infile. For every time step, nfreq# = 1, every other means nfreq# = 2, every third means nfreq# = 3, etc. Note that if you want to print out every nfreq steps, and that is not an even factor of the number of time steps per day, the diagnostics won’t be evenly spaced between the last diagnostic write of the day and the first diagnostic write of the next day.

    Lastly, in diag.infile, edit the array at the bottom so that for each diagnostic file (column), there is a 1 in the row for the diagnostic variable(s) that you want. In our example, you would change the 0’s to 1’s in columns 1 through 5 in the row for tsoi, nsoilay=1. All other places in the array would contain zeroes.

    10 is the maximum number of diagnostic files (10 individual grid cells), and a maximum of 12 variables may be chosen for each grid cell. If you want more than 12 variables for a single grid cell, you can request two diagnostic files which merely have the same coordinates, but different variables. Diagnostic files may be written out over the same or different time periods, and the same or different frequency.

    Read the comments at the beginning of diag.infile for another explanation of how to use diag.infile. Do not, however, remove those comments. The values entered in diag.infile must be in exactly the right rows.

    Each time you run ibis with diagnostics output turned on, you may wish to remove any old diagnostic files. Any existing diagnostic files will have output appended to them.

  6. To run IBIS, type ‘ibis’ while in the directory which contains the ibis executable and the input/output directories. To run ibis in the background and capture all screen output to a file, type ‘ibis >& ibis.out &’ instead (without the quotes). All screen output, including system error messages, will be written to ibis.out.

  7. You do not need to recompile if you do a restart. Just edit ibis.infile. You must recompile if you want to run over a different number of land points (subsetting) or for a different resolution. In either case, you must change compar.h and therefore recompile. You may not restart if you change the number of points, location of points, or resolution. If you run ibis a second time in the same working directory, but do not do a restart, all output files (except diagnostic files) will be overwritten.

  8. If you wish to change input or output files, read the comments at the end of io.f before making any changes. Those comments explain the syntax of read/write calls and give examples.


choice of ‘wpudmax’ parameter

In soil.f subroutine soilctrl, runoff is calculated and raing (rainfall reaching ground) gets apportioned before infiltration is calculated. This causes a problem in which raing gets alternately assigned either mostly to puddle or mostly to runoff. This oscillating puddle depth causes the infiltration and soil moisture in the top layer to go up and down each iteration. A shallow puddle exacerbates the fluctuation. You are encouraged to adjust wpudmax - the current 4.5mm is less than what a silt-loam soil can infiltrate in 1 hour. Zobek and Onstad measured random roughness for a “smooth” soil surface = 6mm. A very rough surface (chisel-plowed soil) is 25mm. Your puddle depth should be larger than the definition for a “heavy” rain for your soil type. A deeper puddle will help reduce the fluctuations in infiltration and surface soil moisture by allowing a reserve of water to exist on the surface from one time step to the next.

A heavy rain event is greater than or equal to 0.6 mm/hr for a clay soil 7 mm/hr for a silt loam soil 210 mm/hr for a sand soil You can calculate the definition of “heavy” rain for other soil types by converting zdpud to units of kg/m2 (equivalent to mm of water).

choice of ‘nsoilay’ parameter

In this verion, IBIS is set up to run with a 4m soil depth. Although, we find that this gives reasonable results in our global simulation, please change this to suit your specific region. This version is set up to have only 6 layers of soil: of depths (variable hsoi), 0.10m,0.15m,0.25m,0.50m,1.0m,2.0m from top to bottom. However, you can easily choose different depths by modifying ‘nsoilay’ and/or ‘hsoi’.


Reading/writing files in ibis is done through subroutines in ies-io.f. The most important concept to understand is the relationship between the locations of points in an n-dimensional array and the values of istart and icount. In FORTRAN, values in an array are stored so that the first dimension varies the fastest. In C, the last dimension varies the fastest. If you were to use ncdump on a netcdf file whose variable ‘mydata’ has 4 dimensions (latitude, longitude, level, time), the variable would be shown as follows: mydata(time, level, latitude, longitude) because ncdump was written in C and reflects C’s ordering of dimensions. In this example time varies the slowest and longitude the fastest. If you were to define this variable in a FORTRAN program so that time again varies the slowest and longitude the fastest,(高维数组的存放次序可由二维数组类推,即最右边指标(相当于最外层循环变量)变动最慢,最左边的第一个指标变动最快) it would look like this: real mydata(nlons, nlats, nlevels, ntimes) where nlons, nlats, nlevels, and ntimes are integer parameters of some specified size. Looping through the data in the order of storage in memory would look like this: do l = 1, ntimes do k = 1, nlevels do j = 1, nlats do i = 1, nlons mydata(i,j,k,l) = … enddo enddo enddo enddo Since ies-io.f is FORTRAN code, keep in mind the FORTRAN representation will be flipped in comparison to what you see from ncdump. The netcdf interface reads and writes data using two integer vectors, istart, and icount. Istart refers to the starting point for reading/writing along each dimension. If you have a 4-d variable as above and want to write starting at the first point, istart would be a vector of length 4 and have the values (1,1,1,1). Icount refers to how far along each dimension data will be read/written. If you wish to write the entire array in the sample FORTRAN code above, icount would be a vector of length 4 and have the values (nlons,nlats,nlevels,ntimes). Things get a little more complicated when you want to read/write only a portion of the variable. In ibis we typically read/write a single time step, but possibly more than one level/pft and either an entire or partial lat/lon grid. Below are examples of istart and icount for various situations of reading/writing. 1) an entire lat/lon grid for only one (6th) time step and one (2nd) pft: istart is (1,1,2,6), icount is (nlons,nlats,1,1) 2) entire lat/lon arrays for all 9 pfts at one (6th) time step: istart is (1,1,1,6), icount is (nlons,nlats,npfts,1) 3) a single lat/lon point (at the ilon-th longitude and the ilat-th latitude) of a 3-d variable at all 100 time steps: istart is (ilon,ilat,1), icount is (1,1,100) Note that if istart and icount have been declared length 4, the 4th value in each is ignored when referencing a 3-d variable. 4) a subsection of a lat/lon grid, 20 points wide in longitude, 15 points high in latitude, starting at point (ilon,ilat), at one (18th) level and 12 times, beginning at time step itime: istart is (ilon,ilat,18,itime) icount is (20,15,1,12)

HOW TO ADD NEW CODE TO READ A FILE: To read a file, use subroutine readvar in ies-io.f. This subroutine assumes that the variable being read has dimensions called longitude, latitude, possibly time, and possibly another dimension, which is named in the call. Only the bare are returned.

General call: call readvar(filen,varname,name3d,istart,icount,values,


INPUT filen - character() - file name from which to read data varname - character() - name of variable from which to read name3d - character() - name of 3rd, nontime dimension variable. Ignored if varname variable is only 3-d. istart - integer() - starting points along each dimension of the variable, for example the 1st point a 4-d variable is (1,1,1,1) and the 3rd level and 2nd time step of a 4d variable is (1,1,3,2). icount - integer() - number of points along each dimension to read, for example, to read in a single lat/lon grid from a 4-d variable, icount would be (nlon,nlat,1,1) OUTPUT values - real() - returned real values of the designated hyperslab alons - real() - longitude vector for those points read in alats - real() - latitude vector for those points read in vals3d - real() - vector of values of the 3rd dimension (unchanged if variable is 2- or 3-d, or if 3rd dimension has character values). times - real(*) - time vector vector for those points read in (unchanged if variable is 2-d). ierror - integer - error code = 0 if no error, < 0 if error occurred

Example: Read in an entire lat/lon grid for one (9th) pft (dimension name is ‘pft’) and one (24th) time parameter (nlons = 360, nlats=180) real x(nlons,nlats), alons(nlons), alats(nlats), xjunk, time integer istart(4), icount(4), ierr istart(1) = 1 istart(2) = 1 istart(3) = 9 istart(4) = 24 icount(1) = nlons icount(2) = nlats icount(3) = 1 icount(4) = 1 call readvar(‘myfile.nc’,’myvar’,’pft’,istart,icount,x,alons,alats, xjunk,time,ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then print *, ‘Error occurred in readvar’ end if Note that above, I used a junk variable for the values of the 3rd dimension, because in ibis, the pft dimension is a character dimension. If the 3rd dimension type is character, readvar does not return the value.

Ibis-specific example: read in a variable which has 3rd dimension ‘layer’, using cdummy to store full array before extracting land points into the variable used directly in ibis. The variable work is used to store returned info that won’t be used later. Previously declared istart(1) = 1 !begin at 1st longitude point istart(2) = 1 !begin at 1st latitude point istart(3) = 1 !begin at 1st layer istart(4) = 1 !begin at 1st time icount(1) = nlon !read nlon points along longitude dimension icount(2) = nlat !read nlat points along latitude dimension Read in data in file input/soita.nc to ibis variable tex icount(3) = nsoilay !read nsoilay points along layer dimension icount(4) = 1 !read one time step filen = ‘input/soita.nc’ aname = ‘tex’ call readvar(filen,aname,’layer’,istart,icount, > cdummy,work(1),work(ndim4),work(2ndim4),work(3ndim4),istat) if (istat.lt.0) then write(,9000) print *, ‘while reading soita’ stop 1 end if For each lat/lon grid, strip off ocean points. tex only has land points. do 12 j = 1, nsoilay call arr2vec (cdummy((j-1)nlonsub*nlatsub + 1), tex(1,j)) 12 continue

HOW TO ADD NEW CODE TO WRITE TO A FILE: Writing to a file involves several steps. First, if the file does not yet exist, you must create the file using inifile or inifilec. Then, you must create one or more variables using inivar. Then after all initializing is done, declare the end of the initialization phase using endini. Finally, once the file and variable exist, you can write data into the variable using writevar. Creating and writing to files in seperate steps may seem complicated at first, but this 4-step method allows much flexibility. Not only do you have the choice of creating a variable without a 3rd dimension, with a real 3rd dimension, or with a character 3rd dimension, you may also have more than one variable within the same file. Note that when using ies-io.f routines if you have more than one variable in the file, and both have 4 dimensions, that 3rd dimension (level, pft, etc.) must be shared by both variables. For example, you may have one variable whose 3rd dimension is pft and another variable which does not have a 3rd non-time dimension in the same file, but you may not have in the same file one variable whose 3rd dimension is pft and another variable whose 3rd dimension is level.

1) Initialize a file If you wish a file to contain only latitude, longitude, and time dimensions, or want it to also have a 3rd real dimension, use inifile. If you want to the file to have a 3rd character dimension, use inifilec. General call for inifile: call inifile(idies,filen,title,source,history,nlon,alons, > nlat,alats,name3rd,long3rd,units3rd,n3rd,vals3rd,pos3rd,tunits, > calendar,ierror)

INPUT filen - character() - name for new file title - character() - title for file source - character() - source for file history - character() - date of creation, and possibly author nlon - integer - number of point along longitude direction alons - real(nlon) - values of longitudes nlat - integer - number of point along latitude direction alats - real(nlat) - values of latitudes name3rd - character() - name of 3rd dimension - use ‘’ if you don’t want this dimension (‘’ is the empty string) long3rd - character() - long name for 3rd dimension variable (ignored if nam3rd=’’) n3rd - integer - size of 3rd dimension (ignored if name3rd=’’) vals3rd - real(n3rd) - values along 3rd dimension (ignored if name3rd=’’) pos3rd - character() - if the 3rd dimension exists and refers to a measured level or height, use ‘up’ if values increase with distance above earth (as in height), or ‘down’ if values decrease with distance (as in pressure) (ignored if name3rd=’’). If 3rd dimension does not refer to a height or level, use ‘’. tunits - character() - units for time, must be in the form of days since yyyy-mm-dd tt:tt:tt, where yyyy is a year or 0000, mm is a month, dd is a day, and tt:tt:tt is (optional) time or 00:00:00. calendar - character() - type of calendar. Choose from ‘noleap’, ‘gregorian’,’n ka BP’, etc. Use iescal (in ies.f) if orbital parameters differ from modern. OUTPUT idies - integer - id number of new file for later use ierror - integer - error code, 0 = no error, < 0 = an error occured

Example: Create a file which will hold fractional snow cover (only 3-d) and snow thickness for each layer (4-d). previously defined:

parameter (nlons = 360, nlats = 180, nsnolay = 6)
real lonscale(nlons), latscale(nlats), slayers(nsnolay)
real snowc(nlons,nlats), snowh(nlons,nlats,nsnolay)
integer istat
character*80 cdate, tunits
alats = ...   ! create values for latitude somehow
alons = ...   ! create values for longitude somehow
slayers = ... ! create values for snow layers somehow
cdate = 'created on 6/29/97'
tunits = 'days since 1969-12-31' Now initialize a file with a 3rd real variable
filen = 'snow.nc'
call inifile(idies,filen,    > 'file for snow variables',    > 'C Molling, program.f v1.01',cdate,nlons,lonscale,nlats,latscale,    > 'snowlayer','snow layers top to bottom','',nsnolay,slayers,    > 'down',tunits,'gregorian',istat)
if (istat .lt. 0)then
  print *, 'Error in inifile'
end if Note above, the empty string ('') is used because the 3rd dimension, snowlayer, does not have any units.  The 'positive' attribute for the 3rd dimension is 'down' because snowlayer 1 is at the top and the last layer is at the bottom (distance above the center of the earth is decreasing as snowlayer increases).  The calendar is gregorian because there are leap years included.  If all years are 365 days, you should use 'noleap'.  Units of time are days dince a date of the form yyyy-mm-dd.  Time units should use this form to be compatible with GrADS.  Other units should be compatible with Udunits (see www.unidata.ucar.edu).  The returned variable idies will be used in the subroutine that initializes a variable.

General call for inifilec call inifilec(idies,filen,title,source,history,nlon,alons,

nlat,alats,name3rd,long3rd,units3rd,n3rd,len3rd,chars3rd, tunits,calendar,ierror)

INPUT filen - character() - name for new file title - character() - title for file source - character() - source for file history - character() - date of creation, and possibly author nlon - integer - number of point along longitude direction alons - real(nlon) - values of longitudes nlat - integer - number of point along latitude direction alats - real(nlat) - values of latitudes name3rd - character() - name of 3rd dimension long3rd - charqcter() - long name for 3rd dimension variable n3rd - integer - size of 3rd dimension len3rd - integer length of chracter strings in vals3rd chars3rd - characterlen3rd(n3rd) - values along 3rd dimension tunits - character() - units for time, must be in the form of days since yyyy-mm-dd tt:tt:tt, where yyyy is a year or 0000, mm is a month, dd is a day, and tt:tt:tt is (optional) time or 00:00:00 calendar - charater(*) - type of calendar. Choose from ‘noleap’, ‘gregorian’,’n ka BP’, etc. Use iescal if orbital parameters differ from modern. OUTPUT idies - integer - id number of new file for later use ierror - integer - error code, 0 = no error, < 0 = an error occured

Example: Create a file that has a character 3rd dimension. Defined previously - most variables as in previous example, plus… parameter (npft = 9) character*80 pftdef(npft) pftdef(1) = ‘boreal evergreens’ pftdef(2) = … etc… Initialize file with inifilec filen = ‘exist.nc’ call inifilec(idies,filen, > ‘annual existence of each plant functional type’, > ‘ibis wyearly’,cdate,nlon,lonscale,nlat,latscale, > ‘pft’,’plant fuctional type’,’‘,npft,80,pftdef, > tunits,’gregorian’,istat) The ‘80’ above refers to the length of the character strings in pftdef. dimnames(3) = ‘pft’ call inivar(idies,’exist’,’existence for each pft’, > ‘‘,4,dimnames,OCEAN,istat) End initialization phase call endini(idies,istat)

2) Initialize a variable and end initialization phase After you initialize a file, you need to initialize a variable. Initializing reserves space for data to be written into the file, and saves information about the data (such as units, descriptive name, and a missing value). You can use inivar to initialize any variable of 1 or more dimensions, provided that those dimensions already exist in the file. You may initialize more than one variable in a single file, as stated above. If you have a special value that denotes ‘missing’, such as using 1.e+36 to denote ocean grid cells, use this value for valmissing. If you use 0. for valmissing, it is ignored. Pick a value for valmissing which is well outside the valid range for the data. For example, -99. would be a fine missing value for pressure, but not a good value for topography. The character array dimnames is used to store the names of the dimensions upon which the new variable will depend. For example, a 3-d variable would only depend on longitude, latitude, and time. A 4-d variable would depend on those and also pft, or snowlater, or level, or some other dimension. The dimension names must be in the same order of varying: fastest to slowest. See the discussions for istart and icount above. For example, the 4-d variable to go in the file snow.nc (above inifile example) would have dimnames as follows dimnames(1) = ‘longitude’ dimnames(2) = ‘latitude’ dimnames(3) = ‘snowlayer’ dimnames(4) = ‘time’

General call for inivar: call inivar(idies,varname,longname,units,ndims,dimnames, > valmissing,ierror)

INPUT idies - integer - id number of a new file from a previous call to inifile, inifilec, or iesopen varname - charcter() - name for new variable longname - character() - descriptive name for variable units - character() - units for variable, compatible with udunits ndims - integer - number of dimensions for this variable dimnames - character()(ndims) - name of each dimension, in order valmissing - real - missing value, ignored if valmissing=0. OUTPUT ierror - integer - error code, 0 = no error, < 0 = error occurred

Example: Define a 4-d and a 3-d variable to go into the file snow.nc. defined previously character*80 dimnames(4) real OCEAN dimnames(1) = ‘longitude’ dimnames(2) = ‘latitude’ OCEAN = 9.e+20 define 4-d variable dimnames(3) = ‘snowlayer’ dimnames(4) = ‘time’ call inivar(idies,’hsno’,’snow layer thickness’, > ‘meters’,4,dimnames,OCEAN,istat) define 3-d variable in same file dimnames(3) = ‘time’ call inivar(idies,’snowf’,’snow cover fraction’, > ‘fraction’,3,dimnames,OCEAN,istat) end initialization phase call endini(idies,istat) Notice that you need to change the value of dimnames(3) for the 3-d variable. The value in dimnames(4) gets ignored.

3) End the initialization phase for the file When you are done initializing the file and the variables in the file, you must call endini. This subroutine merely closes the file. But by closing the file, this is a signal to the computer to write out all changes to this file, synchronizing the instructions in the program with what is written on the hard disk. Since most computers buffer, that is save up, data until a there is a large chunk to write, it is essential that all buffered information for a netcdf file be written to disk before attempting to write data to the file. The subroutine endini accomplishes this. The subroutine endini should be called after initializing the last variable in the netcdf file (inivar) and before calling writevar. See the example above.

4) Write to a variable After you have completed the initialization phase by initializing the file and initializing one or more variables in the file, you can write data into the space reserved for each variable with subroutine writevar. You need to supply istart and icount, just as when you read a variable. It is perfectly legal to write values in only a portion of the space reserved for the variable. If nothing is written to a particular grid point, it has a special fill value supplied by netcdf when the variable was initialized. Notice that for ease of use, I have designed writevar to also write in the values of the time steps you are writing as well as the weighting for that time step. Time weighting refers to the number of days in that time sample. For example, some monthly means will be a mean value over 31 days, while others will be over only 30, or 28, or 29 days. I assumed that most persons will calculate data and write it out one time step at a time, so it is nice to write out the time values and weight as you go along. Another time-related item written is the character label for the time step. Since after a few years, it’s hard to keep track of what month is represented by a large number of days, I invented the date variable. Date is a 10-character long string in which you can put a time label. For example the time value 4745 may not be informative, but the data label ‘JAN1913 ‘ is. I usually use 9 characters plus a null character at the end (char(0)). Use strings like ‘DJF001005 ‘ to denote time averages (Winter years 1 through 5).

General call call writevar(filen,varname,istart,icount,values,


INPUT filen - character() - file name to which to write data varname - character() - name of variable to which to write istart - integer() - starting points along each dimension of the variable, for example the 1st point a 4-d variable is (1,1,1,1) and the 3rd level and 2nd time step of a 4d variable is (1,1,3,2). icount - integer() - number of points along each dimension to write, for example, to write a single lat/lon grid to a 4-d variable, icount would be (nlon,nlat,1,1). values - real() - real values of the designated hyperslab times - real() - time vector vector for those points written (ignored if variable is 2-d). tweights - real() - number of days in each time step in times (ignored if variable is 2-d). dates - character10(*) - character labels for each time step in times, last character should be a null (dates ignored if variable 2-d). OUTPUT ierror - integer - error code = 0 if no error, < 0 if error occurred

Example: write data to the 4-d variable initialized above previously defined parameter (ndim3=nlonsnlatsnsnolay) real cdummy(ndim3), hsno(npts,nsnolay) real time, timewght integer istart(4), icount(4) character11 cdate time = 730. timewght = 365. istart(1) = 1 istart(2) = 1 istart(3) = 1 istart(4) = 2 icount(1) = nlons icount(2) = nlats icount(3) = nsnolay icount(4) = 1 cdate = ‘ANN1980 ‘//char(0) put land-only data in hsno into land and sea lat/lon grid in workspace do 20 k = 1, nsnolay call vec2arr (hsno(1,k), cdummy((k-1)nlonsub*nlatsub + 1)) 20 continue call writevar(‘snow.nc’,’hsno’,istart,icount,cdummy,time,

timewght,cdate,istat) if (istat .ne. 0) then write(,) ‘ERROR writing hsno’ stop 1 end if

Some other thoughts: It’s a good idea to end all strings stored in netcdf file with a null character. Some less-robust C programs may fail when encountering non-null-ended strings, because in C, all strings end with a null character. Udunits provides several ways to express multiplication, powers, etc. I like to use ^ to denote exponents (as in m^2 instead of just m2) because programs like Matlab see ^ as a LaTeX command to write the next character as a superscript. Likewise I try to avoid using _, because this is the LaTeX command to make the next character a subscript. So instead of using deg_C, I use degC, to prevent the C from becoming a subscript. The format of the netcdf files written by ies-io.f subroutines is meant to be compatible with the COARDS and CSM conventions (see www.cgd.ucar.edu:80/csm/experiments/output/format.html). Theoretically, you should be able to use NCO (see www.cgd.ucar.edu:80/cms/nco/index.html) and NCL (see ngwww.ucar.edu/ngdoc/ng4.1alpha/ug/ncl/ncloview.html) on the files. A few other packages that work with this format are GrADS (grads.iges.org/grads/head.html) and Ncview (meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html). The routines in ies-io.f are just the beginning. You can put many more things in a netcdf file by using routines in ies.f or by using the low-level netcdf commands directly. Use one of the pre-existing subroutines in ies-io.f as a template and go on from there. You are free to change or distribute my code as long as you 1) acknowlege me, Christine C. Molling (cmolling@facstaff.wisc.edu) as the author of the original code and 2) do not sell it. Of course if there is anything wrong with the code, or you somehow encounter damage to your reputation/wallet because of its use, you are forbidden to sue me or anyone else. Good Luck!